Why Internal Linking Must Not Be Ignored

It is almost comical sometimes to see website owners, and sadly, SEO consultants who should know better, scurrying around desperately trying to find backlinks from every possible place they can think of. It almost seems that they are like mice in a wheel, constantly chasing the next link they can get their hands on.

Now, we are not saying backlinks should not be sought, and they are indeed extremely important when it comes to SEO process. However, external backlinks are not the only type of linking strategy you should follow.

Including an internal linking strategy as part of your SEO also pays high dividends in terms of ranking. There is also the very obvious fact that internal links are much easier to create, and as you are the website owner, you should not need anyone’s permission to create them either.

Having a carefully planned and implemented internal linking has a number of advantages, and while it can certainly help boost your SEO, not all of them are simply for Google’s benefit when they are deciding how to rank your website.

When it comes to planning your internal linking, this is one of the times where doing so visually can make it easier and more effective. Bear in mind, you are in effect, creating a network within your website, and to try and visualise that in your head, while not impossible, is difficult.

How Publishing Local Content Can Boost Your Sales

While adding content to a website should never be discouraged, with many local businesses, it is often the case that the content they create is not speaking to the audience or the customers that they are trying to attract.

What happens is that a generic article is added which relates to the industry or market sector the business operates in, but it could have been written by any business owner, anywhere in the world.

Now it may be a very well-written piece of content, and it may also be perfect for the search engines, but ultimately it is customers that a business needs to survive. Unless it operates globally, a business’s customer base is in its local area and it is locally that it should be aiming some of its content.

Local people, for the most part, love to read about their local area. After all, they can easily find out what is happening nationally or internationally by watching the evening news. However, when it comes to their town or their neighbourhood when they see something written about it, they are drawn to it.

So, let us look at some content ideas you could use that will attract more local customers, and more sales.

Meet The Team

A nice easy one to start with is a meet the team article which provides a brief bio of your staff. Include things like the local school or college they attended or local sports clubs they are a member of. It is almost certain that these are the same local schools, colleges, and clubs of potential customers and thus it creates a link with them.

Should I Use Google Ads For My Business?

If you’re active in the online space, you’ve probably heard of Google Ads (previously called Google AdWords). It’s one of the more popular forms of digital marketing, and it can be extremely productive when it’s used right.

However, it’s also very easy to waste money with Google Ads if you’re not sure what you’re doing. I know countless people who have wasted thousands of dollars by doing Google Ads the wrong way, and I don’t want you to join them.

With this in mind, I’ve put together a short guide to help you decide whether or not it’s the right choice for your business.

What Is Google Ads?

To get us started, let’s have a quick look at exactly what Google Ads is and how it works.

Basically, Google Ads allows advertisers – business owners like you and me – to present their website within the Google search results for relevant keywords. The best thing about it is that you can effectively place your business at the top of the search results, even if you’ve completely neglected search engine optimization (SEO).

Should I Use a Professional Web Designer for My WordPress Website?

Designing a website with WordPress can be a confusing and time consuming process, even if you have skills and experience in the field. Although it’s more than possible to create your own site, you might decide to save yourself some time and stress by simply employing a professional designer and copywriter to take care of things for you.

For me, there are numerous reasons why you should consider using a professional designer for your WordPress website. I’ve outlined some of the below, but make sure that you do a bit of research and uncover the benefits of using a designer for yourself.

  1. They Might Even Save You Money

Although web designers are expensive – there’s no question about that – using one could actually save you quite a lot of money in the long run, for numerous reasons.

Experienced web designers will work fast and efficiently, which means that they will take a lot less time to put your site together than you would. They will also be able to make sure that everything’s working as it should before you take control of your site, which means that you shouldn’t run into too many problems in the future.

Finally, using a web designer should also free up a lot of your own time. This means that you will be able to focus on the things that you’re good at, which could also boost your income.

Categorized as Web Design

Why Is Branding, Such As A Logo, Deemed Important For A Website?

It is the case that not every business wants to or needs to brand itself but in these days of customers being more able to research companies and see what others are saying about them, a strong brand does help.

For a start, it is a way of distinguishing yourself from the competition. An eye-catching logo can make that difference because people scanning through the internet might not always read, but they may recognise your logo from their previous engagement with your website and return to it.

Colour and design can play a role too, and if your website has been designed professionally these can help create a sense of continuity and a degree of consistency in the customer’s mind which helps build trust.

A strong online brand on your website can also help with your offline activities, especially those related to sales and marketing. If someone has been on your website checking out your company and then visits your place of business, consistent branding that matches the website should help them feel more comfortable in their decision to do business with you, than if there were no branding at all.